AM vs. PM Skincare Routines

*DISCLAIMER: everyone’s skin is different and you should follow with routines and use which products work best for YOU!

I recently remembered that I have an esthetician license that I don’t really ever use. But whether I use it or not, I did come out of that experience with a ton of knowledge that I like to share with my friends and family. There are so many things I learned through both school and obtaining my license that changed the way I approach my skincare routines, but one of the most important things I learned was that one standard skincare routine, day and night, every day of the month, is just not enough. Today I’m going to share with you what I’ve learned about doing skincare in the morning vs. skincare at night, as well as my current favorite routine & the products I use!


One surprising thing I learned over my skincare journey is that you don’t need to do the same skincare when you wake up in the morning as when you go to bed at night. AM skincare is preventative, PM skincare is restorative. So what does that mean? AM skincare is meant to get your skin ready from the day, to protect it from the elements that we encounter during the day. Things like SPF and moisturizer make it so the elements can’t age our skin faster than we’re aging ourselves. It also I like to keep my skincare routine in the morning light and simple so my skin isn’t weighed down and if I put make up on top it doesn’t feel so cakey, like there’s a lot of product on my face. Here’s the routine I typically use in the morning and the products that work for me:

TONER: I don’t typically cleanse in the morning unless I take a morning shower or I’m feeling a little extra oily. I use the Burts Bee’s Soothing Toner with witch hazel and aloe as a replacement to cleansing (as well as keeping my sheets and pillow cases cleaned and frequently changed!)
EYE CREAM: finding a good brightening eye cream is great for day or night, especially if you’re forgoing makeup for the day, to make you look like you got a full 8 hours even if you didn’t! Currently I’m using the Balance Eye Wonder Eye Cream. It really helped clear up any bags I had and brightened up any dark circles.
MOISTURIZER: Probably the most vital step to any skincare routine. Moisturizer creates a barrier and locks in any thing else you put on your skin while also doing the obvious, moisturizing. (Moisturizing is NOT the same as hydrating– Drink your water!) My tried and true moisturizer that I’ve been using for years now is the CeraVe Moisturizing Cream, I swear by it.
SPF: Another very vital step, especially as we get into the summer months. I don’t care how old you are or how smooth your skin is, wearing SPF is the number one way to prevent and slow the signs of aging. I use the Sun Bum Face 50.
LIPS: An often forgotten but still super important step. Your lips can age, get sunburned, get dehydrated, need moisturizing. And honestly, the feeling of having your whole face cleansed but feeling empty right in the middle of your face is totally uncomfortable. I’ve been using Seraphine Botanicals Fruit Butter Lip Mask forever!

I also take a collagen vitamin every day because good skin starts from within!

Like I said earlier, PM skincare is restorative. Anything your skin has encountered during the day, any things like breakouts or dark spots that need a little extra attention, should all be addressed at night. While you’re sleeping your skin has a chance to rest absorb anything you put on your skin (which is another reason to keep those pillowcases and sheets clean!) Your PM skincare might be a few extra steps, but there are certain ingredients that work for certain skin issues. Before using or committing to any targeted skincare you should ALWAYS research the ingredients that will help your specific problems. Currently, the problems I’m targeting are signs of aging and a breakout thats been plaguing my skin for like a month.

CLEANSER: At the end of the day, cleansing can be so cathartic. Washing away the day and cleansing your skin of everything its encountered. If you are wearing makeup, ALWAYS double cleanse. Try a micellar water or cleansing balm for makeup removal and then a gentle cleanser to wash away all the residue. My go to is CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser.
TONER: Same toner as above, just another cleanser to get off anything left on the skin and soothe the skin for the rest of the products that are about to be applied.
SERUMS: Next is serums, which are the products targeted towards certain skin problems. Some of the products will tell you if you should layer them a certain way or only use them on certain areas, but you should always use products that work for you in the order that you see fit. As I mentioned above, I’m currently using products to fight signs of again and tame a breakout. For again, I’ve been using the Inkey List Retinol which I am OBSESSED with. It’s literally made my skin so much softer and I already see progress. (Retinol makes your skin VERY sensitive to the sun so if you’re going to use is in the summer or places that are sunnier, ALWAYS use an SPF in the morning and only use the Retinol at night). For the breakout, I’ve been using a niacinamide and salicylic acid, only on the parts of my face that are currently broken out or seem like they’re starting to. The one I’ve been using, Volition Skin Rhythm Balancing and Clearing Serum, literally changed my skin overnight.
Finish off your routine with moisturizer, a thicker layer at night than what you’d use in the morning, and don’t forget the lips!

Just a few more tips on your skincare routines…
1. Products take time to work, especially if you’re changing up your routine or trying something new. Unless your skin is getting worse, always give it time to see results.
2. Things like exfoliating, face masks, harsher treatments should be used intermittently and sparingly. You don’t need to overload your face daily or even weekly with thing like this because in the long run, its doing more harm than good. But every once in a while, our skin needs a little extra love and we should be treating it.

Take care of your skin, use the right products FOR YOU, and remember if you ever have questions or want recommendation, I’m only a DM away!

Author: erin elizabeth

stylist.MUA.esthetician embrace femininity

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